Nachhaltigkeit Headerbild


The concept of sustainability is firmly rooted in the SPIR STAR® family business. Accordingly, we have developed a mission statement, which guides us in taking responsibility for the future – now.
After establishing our internal sustainability team, in recent years our company has already implemented a large number of measures in the ecological and social domains.
We are also planning to implement more sustainability projects in the future, because every step contributes to our treating the environment and resources in a more responsible and careful manner.

Blumenwiese bei SpirStar Deutschland

Examples of ways in which we incorporate our environmental commitment into our ongoing work process include:

  • Photovoltaic systems on all company roofs
  • E-charging stations for employees and visitors
  • Purchase of 100% green electricity
  • Company site in harmony with nature
  • Water treatment plant and cisterns
  • No PVC adhesive tape, but rather wet adhesive tape
  • Exclusive use of recycled paper
  • Waste separation according to the Gewerbeabfallverordnung [Commercial Waste Ordinance]
  • Use of energy-saving illuminants
Leistung der Solarstromanlage

Promotion of biodiversity

We have been committed to preserving biodiversity since 2019 and were therefore the first company in Germany to be recognized for a company site close to nature in the “Thousand Gardens – Thousands of Species” project.. For example, feeding areas and habitats for various animal and plant species have been created on the company premises. We have also implemented a number of biodiversity measures. These include, for example, structural diversity in the form of deadwood, open ground and rock piles, whereby we take great care to use only native wild perennials, woody plants and certified regional seeds. In order to continue to make our contribution to sustainability in the future, we work very closely with recognized environmental experts who support us in the implementation.

Eidechse auf einem Stein

Enviromental targets

As a manufacturer of thermoplastic ultra-high pressure hoses, SPIR STAR® AG needs electrical energy for its production and due to the company’s in-house manufacturing depth. For this reason, SPIR STAR® AG has already taken a number of measures to increase energy efficiency and the company’s own generation of electrical energy.

As a result, it is SPIR STAR AG’s target to extend the use of renewable energies for energy production to be able to completely cover the electrical energy the company needs by the production of its own electrical power by 2028.


As a manufacturing company, SPIR STAR® AG commits itself to the responsible and economic use of our resources. This also includes the ongoing review of the company’s consumption of resources and its reduction wherever possible.


Mission statement Sustainability

SPIR STAR® practices sustainability through the integration of economics, ecology and social issues. Our employees come first, as they are essential for our corporate success at SPIR STAR®.

We use our resources responsibly and carefully.

We are consistently improving our environmental performance.

We act in compliance with the for us applicable laws, rules and regulations.

We maintain a dialogue with our most important stakeholders on the subject of sustainability.